If you have been trying to make money online, you have probably seen the U-Tube videos and downloaded some web-marketing guru's plan for easy online money. You might have even tried some affiliate marketing, with companies such as ClickBank and Commission Junction. If you're like most people, you probably aren't being successful in your Internet marketing efforts. I've tried the expensive easy methods and I've found that after spending a lot of money on AdWords and paid search-engine marketing the results never paid for the advertising.
If you have a dream of making money from home, or even in some faraway romantic place, you need a strategy for Internet marketing that works! There is one strategy that will work for you, just like it has worked for countless others and that is article marketing. What is article marketing? It is using free articles, like this one, to attract new customers. What's the downside to article marketing? It takes time and work. But after a few months of repeated effort, your work will begin to pay off and once it does it never stops. It's not a race, it's a business plan.
The secret to article marketing is this: Make a plan and stick to it.
Here's the plan: Today you will:
* Find a niche marketing product that you think people will buy. Many people use ClickBank or one of the other affiliate marketing sites to search for them.
* Find the keywords that are used when people are looking for your product
* Write 5 informative articles about the product. Each article should be 300 -500 words long. Or snatch an article from the article directories and revise it into your own words. You can even write one article and spin it into multiple articles using article re-write software.
* After you register with 5 separate article directories, post a different version of your article on each one. Always make sure to use the keywords you found in your research.
* Do the same thing tomorrow.
* Once you have 25 articles on that product (5 days) find another product and repeat.
Depending on your speed, you can write and post an article in about 30 - 50 minutes so getting 5 articles a day posted online should take you less than 5 hours. The payoff is the articles never go away. People read them and other people post them on their website. If anyone has an interest in finding out more, they click through to your sales page. Free traffic, that's the ticket to Internet profits.
by Damon Neal
More Information:
Source: http://www.PopularArticles.com/article170940.html
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